NOTE FROM THE TRUTH HOUND: If you want to see the TV drama “House of Cards” for real, check out this report from economics forecaster Martin Armstrong. He ably outlines the fact that Attorney Gen. Loretta Lynch is part of a lynch mob to strangle the truth. She has simply worked with the Clintons and the Democratic regime to be able to say that she won’t recuse herself from being in a position to indict apparent Democratic presidential nominee and career criminal Hillary Clinton. Yet, because she said she’d passively wait for direction in this matter from the FBI and career prosecutors, that means nothing will happen, even while she’s acting as if she stood her ground to make it appear she’s ready to pursue an indictment. The FBI report either won’t be forthcoming, or it will be tame and inconclusive. Hillary will remain untouched no matter what, unless a miracle happens. And Lynch’s “shocking” meeting with former President Bill Clinton was a setup to make this whole charade happen , in the opinion of The Truth Hound. Stay tuned. In the meantime, read on below by clicking this link to Armstrong’s July 2, 2016 report.